Friday, June 5, 2020

Black Lives Matter

After the Minneapolis Police murdered George Floyd the country has been in a constant state of protest — almost two solid weeks now. But beyond the protests, there is a great deal of reform needed. The question is really What can we do to stop these killings?

The usual target is more training of police and better supervision. But does this ever improve the situation? I think not.

The fact is that it is almost impossible to convict police for wrong doing. DAs do not want to arrest or indict. Judges don’t want to try these cases. Juries refuse to hear clear evidence and convict. In other words, the whole justice system is aligned with the police and refuses to hold them responsible for horrendous acts. I see no way that the situation will improve until this road block is removed. Police simply know that whatever they do they will not really be held accountable.

So the Big question is How do we reform the judicial system? Does anyone know an answer?

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