Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Mars Mission

I have no problem with NASA trying to send a person or two to the planet Mars. They might even make a good movie of it. Expensive --- but great PR for American technology. Perhaps it is just an extension of the historic age of exploration --- round the world sailing, invasion of new worlds, climbing the highest mountains. It seems like something that we have to do.

What really burns me up is the ridiculous nonsense about finding a future home for humanity. If that's the real reason, don't put a penny into the project. First of all, do you really think that they are talking about re-locating all 10 billion of us humans? Of course not. The seats will go to the billionaires instead. Second, if we are really seriously going to trash this planet (which seems more and more likely all the time), then why should we have a second chance with another planet. Since Mars is far from a natural human habitat, we would be even more likely to trash our chances there. Third, if we are really such great human beings that we can engage in space travel and space conquest, why don't we put all of this intelligence to work here on Mother Earth and find a way to live sustainably?

So, for heavens sake, NASA and Gov, please stop talking about going to Mars as if that is a salvation plan.

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