Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Anti-Occupy-Wall-Street Blog

I just came across a Web Site called "We're the 53%" at

It's full of wonderful stories about people who have worked hard, kept their employment, and are proud of it. Much of it is devoted to telling the Occupy Wall Street people to shut up, stop complaining, and do what they did. 

The sad thing about these "53%" people is that, like most Conservatives (so called), they do not look around. They look straight ahead and they look at themselves and they have no sense whatsoever of the world that other people face. If they really are 53% or more of Americans, then America is a thoroughly selfish society. These are people who would flee from a burning airplane and then tell reporters, "We all got out fine, just used the exits and shoots," when in fact 40% of the passengers died in flames. 

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