It is good to see that people around the world are finally beginning to understand the situation and are trying to make themselves heard. The problem, unfortunately, is that the powerful 1% do not listen and, even if they listen, do not believe or even understand. In fact, the 1% could care less. They live in their very own insulated world.
What this means, I'm afraid to say, is that we will see nothing happen as a result of the protests. Most likely, as a matter of fact, the protestors will begin to dwindle as cold weather begins to set in. And probably there will be fewer and fewer genuine protestors and more and more homeless and schizophrenics who just want a free lunch. Since that is what the 1% think this is all about anyway, the end game does not look good for our side.
It seems to me that the 1% will budge only after the 99% begin to achieve something that hurts. On one extreme, there could be random assassinations of the rich&powerful. This is the traditional road of revolutionaries, and it can be effective. On the other extreme, we can continue with pacifist demonstrations of discontent. This has been effective in the past in certain situations but it requires leadership and imagination. Simply camping out in cities across the country has no hurtful impact on the 1%. Someone needs to imagine a way in which this social power can be channeled in a way that hurts. During the civil rights movement of the '60s there were some very effective suspensions of work or consumption, for instance. Begin to deny services to the rich&powerful. Another tactic would be to show very publicly all of the channels through which the 1% manipulate and control local, state, and Federal governments. Embarrass the hell out of our wonderful "law makers."
The 1% will, of course, begin to retaliate in every way they can. That, and only that, will be an indication of success. Thus far, there is no real retaliation, just the usual reactions of poorly informed and ill trained police departments.