Saturday, November 27, 2010

Embracing the Constitution

I checked out Longshot, the other day, and was pleased to see that he is writing in his blog again. However, I was a little surprised to find an ultra conservative tract on money. The Constitution speaks of coin only and was written at a time when Spanish coin was accepted as standard value. Ergo we should be true to the Constitution and eliminate those pesky things like paper money, the Federal Reserve, etc. What really is the problem that Conservatives have with money? I don't think I've ever heard a real explanation.

If we must go back to the literal Constitution in everything, then I guess I need to buy a three-corner hat and some knickers. I guess my wife can't work in the polls anymore since women shouldn't be voting; and I should buy a few slaves to take care of my lawn instead of paying Hispanics to do it. Oh, boy, that reminds me that, if we're really going to be Constitutionalists, it's the Hispanics who actually own this place.

Seriously, the magnificent thing about great documents like our Constitution is that they are "living" and can adjust to their historical context. Inflexible documents become useless and crash as history changes underneath them.

1 comment:

  1. I've been having a discussion with Longshot about these issues. See
