Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bankrupting Government

It seems that one of the chief aims of hard-line conservatives, these days, is to completely bankrupt government. What used to be "no more taxes" seems to have become "no taxes at all." Yet what would actually happen if government stopped collecting taxes? Where do these people think that money goes?!

It seems to me that the time has come for Tea Baggers and other conservatives to tell us what they are willing to let governments spend their money on and what they object to. Shall we have interstate highways that are safe to drive on? Shall we have inspection of food processing plants in order to maintain the health of our foods? Shall we have Federal agents to patrol our borders? These are all supported by our tax dollars so what are we going to give up and how do we draw the lines? It's easy to scream about taxes but it's a whole lot more difficult to take the time to think it over and decide what you want.

Come on gang!

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