Well, it is 2012 and it is the year of national elections. The media will blast us with commentaries, predictions, interviews, and debates. But how much truth will come to us versus out-and-out falsehoods?
Barak Obama will be blamed for everything wrong with the economy and will be painted as a wild-eyed Socialist and (probably) a Muslim who wants to convert us all to Sharia Law. No problem that almost everything wrong with the economy began with --- and was caused by --- George W. Bush. Democrats, like me, certainly wish that Obama had been able to do more to solve our economic problems in his first three years, but I don't think anyone else could have done better. Then, look what he has been up against in the last year!
To me, the most depressing part of the political spectacle that we will be witnessing during the coming year is how antithetical it is to the spirit of democracy. Sound contradictory? Isn't the right to vote what democracy means? Well, no. The issue about voting is that we have genuine choices. Then, we need to be well and truthfully informed about the choices we are making. And finally, we need to have honest follow-up to see what our elected officials are doing with our votes.
Instead, our government is founded on money --- significant money. Candidates with significant money behind them get in front of the people and get elected. The critical issues that might make a real difference in the country's future are so protected by money that they never find a voice. Money-laiden candidates invent a variety of shallow issues to offer the appearance of choice. After election, the big donors who financed the candidates take over the governing process. This is happening in both parties so no one really offers much of a choice.
So sit back and watch, but you won't see much that really connects with reality.